Browsing CategoryMassachusetts

Salisbury, MA

After roughly a month plodding around the Maine coastline, we knew we wanted to provide Dexter with a taste of the beach before we sent him packing back home to start the school year. Having stumbled into the surprise (to us) area of NH’s coastline back in July, we decided it would be a good place to enjoy a bit more beach time before the summer ended. We snagged a campsite at Salisbury Beach State Reservation and set about insisting Dexter enjoy the beach. We’d maxed out our yearly overnight limit over at Hampton Beach State Park just up the…

Salem, MA

If you’re a witch, you should visit Salem, MA. It’s a great place for witches, those who associate with witches, or those who are interested in witchery in general. After a few initial moments of “tourism based on a land-angry-cult-of-religious-wackos killing a few handfuls of people who they insisted were witches is weird“, we settled into the idea that the city of Salem does a decent job highlighting the idiocy of what happened in 1692 and also does an okay job of honoring the people who were murdered then and there. The RV field is not pretty, but it did…

Sagamore Beach, MA

Scusset Beach State Reservation, in Sagamore Beach, is located just across the bridge from Cape Cod proper. We decided to plop down here for 10 days, which would also conveniently get us through the 4th of July holiday. Cape Cod, technicallyScusset BeachScusset Beach State Reservation Summer holidays in campgrounds are not our favorite things. This includes snagging a campsite on a summer holiday. People really enjoy planning their summer vacation a full year in advance. We’re spoiled and rarely plan our front yard more than 2 weeks in advance. Which doesn’t jive with the subset of America who reserve every…