We left Jackson, MS without much idea of our next stop. But, when we happened upon an RV park in Farmerville, LA that looked like it sat directly on an expanse of water, we decided to drive on up there and take a look.
We pulled into D’Arbonne Point late on a Friday afternoon, and after struggling valiantly to figure out how to claim a site and pay for that site, we took the Jeep out for a drive to check out the area.
Pretty quickly we realized that the area is a giant fishing pond. The people here fish. And that is what they do. Possibly all they do.
The town has entire dead end roads that function as boat launches and fishing piers.
After driving through town and finding nothing but a few bait shops and few more shuttered store fronts, we settled on picking up another meal of Crawdads and hung out at Dyna for the evening. It wasn’t a bad location to hang out in Dyna – the view from our bedroom window allowed us to view all the action fishing.
More crawdads! I think we could fish from our bedroom window. Bedroom window view. Rise and shine – and fish.
In the morning the RV park owner returned our phone call from the afternoon before, in which we were trying to pay him for a campsite. He headed down to the RV park to accept our $$, and then let us know that he was really excited when he got our call. Jake has a NY based phone number. The RV park owner was under the impression that maybe a guy from NY was interested in purchasing his RV park.
Sadly, we were not. But, we chatted with the owner and his wife for a few minutes. During these minutes we found out that the guys from Duck Dynasty stay at this RV park almost every weekend, then he glanced ‘knowingly’ down the RV aisle at a newer 45′ Newmar Mountain Aire. For those who don’t know RVs, that’s a big expensive one. In the same short conversation, we also learned about a man with no legs that sells strawberries across the street. We never did buy any of his strawberries. But, we did take a run/walk out on one of the road/launch/pier situations – where we found the best boat trailer I’ve ever seen, and it still makes me laugh when I think about it.
Weapon of Bass Destruction, baby!