Denver, CO (Round 3)

We came back. We always come back.

How can we not? One of our favorite people on earth, a sweet free place to park, a vibrant city, VooDoo Donuts and now – Torchy’s Tacos is in town too?

Thanks for welcoming us back, Denver. Dayum, you look good.

There aren’t too many things that could make us leave a boondocking space as sweet as the one we found outside of Northrop, CO after staying only a few days.

The promise of Holly can. And the threat of missing out on Holly (hey, that girl travels! She’s got shit to do – and was going to be leaving Denver on a trip in only a few days!) can make us put our pedal to the metal!

We spent a few nights parked in Holly’s driveway, enjoying her hospitality – free laundry, high-pressure hot showers, and the fluffiest snuggle bug of a pup.

On our drive to Denver we caught word that Torchy’s Tacos had opened a few shops in Denver (Denver gets all the cool shit!) since our last visit. So we did what any normal people who  are Americans raised in Upstate NY and never had the luxury of good tacos growing up would do and ate at Torchy’s every day we were in Denver. And Torchy’s that was not in Austin or San Antonio was still good. Damn good.

When we weren’t eating at Torchy’s, we were probably eating at VooDoo donuts. We love us some VooDoo donuts and have been to every VooDoo donuts shop in the US except for the recently opened one in Disney World, which now means we have to go back to Disney. I think that eating VooDoo donuts at every VooDoo donuts shop in the US is our claim to fame, and I’m not at all ashamed about that. Especially because we are now officially VooDoo donuts pros. I say this with confidence and satisfaction.

During our very first trip to VooDoo – which was back in the pre-Dyna days of 2014 and was actually to the VooDoo in Denver, we didn’t even know it was a cash only place (Holly had to spot us cash). It took us until we visited the Eugene, OR shop to realize that Grape Ape is the best VooDoo donut flavor, even though everyone knows that grape is usually a terrible artificial flavor. This was after a visit to the Austin, TX shop – where I ordered a non-Grape Ape donut which was still delicious but was not Grape Ape. By the time we made it to the Portland (original) VooDoo shops, we had our orders of ‘Grape Ape first, other donuts second’ down.

During this Denver trip to VooDoo we were invited to buy a bucket of donuts for $8. We were highly surprised by this offer, made by the certified VooDoo cashier/donut expert at the front desk. We asked for clarification. We were again asked “do you want a bucket of donuts for $8?” she gave up only one more bit of info – “they were baked today – so do you want them?”

Uh, yes we want them. SOLD.

So, during this trip to Denver, we achieved expert levels VooDoo donut consumption. Via our $8 bucket of donuts. Which just happened to include 3 Grape Apes!

Holly did convince us to eat somewhere other than Torchy’s or VooDoo one night. And as per usual, she was right that there are other good places to enjoy in Denver. Like the Denver Central Market. I’d recommend checking Denver Central Market out – after you’ve hit Torchy’s and VooDoo.

We love Holly and her little Holly house very much. We love that she lets us park in her driveway. And soak up her hospitality. And walk her pup, Henry. And lounge in her hammock in her backyard.

And that she lets Jake assist her in household tasks. Like un-winterizing her swamp cooler. I hate that name. Swamp cooler is a horrible name that reminds me of sweaty butts and alligators. She and Jake figured out how to open/repair it anyways. I made sure Henry was entertained and that there was photographic evidence of Jake and Holly practicing lots of safety on Holly’s roof. Safety first, last, and always. Safety never takes a holiday.

Before we left Holly and her Holly home, we all learned to floss. Flossing is really hip and cool, and since we are also very hip and cool, we figured we should learn. A kid on YouTube showed us how to do it, and after over an hour of practice (while eating some of our $8 donut bucket – gotta keep your energy up when you’re flossing), we pretty much nailed it. We were flossing independently and in unison. We became three flossing machines.

I’m so grateful that living nomadically lets us visit with our heart people, like Holly, but it also means we have to leave them. At least this time we left all knowing that we have the ability to floss, in unison.

Until we floss again Denver – we’re headed East to meet up with another friend. Because yeah, we’re lucky like that.

*sorry – there are no flossing pictures. We were too busy flossing to document flossing photographically. And we all had flossing muscle cramps, so never thought to photograph. And I haven’t figured out how to upload video to this blog. Which you should probably be thankful for. Because there are definetely flossing videos.