Camden, ME

We came to Camden in search of a campground with a pool.

Apparently, pools are a basic need to sustain the life of a 10-year old in the summer months. Food, pool… occasionally water. Shelter is negotiable.

We found a pool at Camden Hills Campground. We also found a lovely little gang of campground kids, who provided a great source of friendly fun for Dexter. So much so, that we decided to extend our stay – and do so in the worst campsite in the park – so that he could hang out with his friends for a few more days.

When you find a crew of nice campground kids, you provide the platform for your only-child nephew to hang out with them for as long as possible.

While much of our stay in Camden was occupied by a slightly dilapidated pool and a roving gang of 8-to-12-year-olds, we did manage to sneak in a few excursions.

While we were disappointed to find that Camden’s lobster fest had been cancelled for the year, we took the cancellation as a hint to hunt down a few non-festival related lobster rolls with a drive up to Lincolnville, ME. While we ended up being unimpressed by their quality, they were still edible and we liked that.

We also made a pilgrimage to Uncle Willy’s Candy Shoppe. Creepy name, great selection of candy.

Dexter made a list of ‘goals’ on the car ride to the RV. One of those goals was to find soda flavoured Jellybelly Beans to mix and see if he could tell them apart. Willy’s Candy Shop pulled through on the Jellybelly soda flavor selection. And yes, he could tell them apart.

On another afternoon, I was able to convince Dexter that hiking is fun by joining our new friends from the West Family Circus (a family we met at the campground) for a short hike and some rock tossing at Owl’s Head Light.

Jake and I enjoyed some nice runs on a loop down through Rockport and Camden. The views for much of the runs were incredible and the rolling hills provided some nice training fodder.

Sans one early evening 10-year-old meltdown of the near nuclear variety, we thoroughly enjoyed our time in Camden. We hadn’t been overly social with other campground patrons since COVID started, but with the availability of vaccines and the natural outdoor opportunities provided by the camping experience, we were ready. A few campfires and a whole lot of pool hanging later, and we’re ready for a nature break.

We’re headed to the Schoodic Peninsula for a (pool-less!) weekend of nature-based fun. Send those thoughts and prayers to Dexter, who will be lacking a foundational need.