Christmas. That special time a year when you show your family and friends how many dollars worth you love them.
That’s not true – but also, maybe it’s a little true.
We decided to head back up to NY this year to forcefully gather our siblings and their offspring into one 3 room suite in the Greek Peak Lodge in Cortland, NY. We were stoked, because for the first time in our collective history, all of our siblings promised to join us, which was super cool.
She’s a shit cat, but she’s a great little co-pilot. Pitstop at Winde Jackson Cakes! Santa is an asshole. Emily & Lucy being passengers for a long time. Santa’s Sleigh!
We ditched Dyna down in Myrtle, packed Lucy and our snowboards and a medium sized Christmas tree I found at Walmart into our Jeep Santa’s Sleigh, and drove 12 hours to NY. We picked up Jake’s sister Emily on the way somewhere around DC.
The drive was long, and Lucy voiced her opinion on it for the first 3 hours, but the reward of getting to spend 3 days with all of our siblings and our nephew and niece was worth it. And to top it off – we also spent time with my mom and dad and uncles and aunts.
My brother Andy supplied this year’s tree topper. Free ski day at Greek Peak! After spending the day teaching the tiny humans to ski, we got in one run! He had much more success eating this bacon covered catastrophe than he had with the onion. Upstate NY Christmas Eve morning.
That’s what Christmas is for, right? Spending time with your favorite assholes (ok, only my siblings are assholes), soaking with them in an outdoor hot tub while your nose freezes and body prunes, and watching your nephew try to eat an onion like an apple (“I can eat an onion like an apple guys. I totally can. Oh, I’m doing it”).